A sign of the times

Wearwell Enamel Sign found in Lowick England Cycling Britain
West View, Lowick in the north of England

At Wearwell HQ there’s always a fervent excitement when a story lands in our inbox highlighting the uncovering of a piece of Wearwell Cycle Company history, which is exactly what happened earlier this week.

Paul Waugh came across an original Wearwell Agency sign, distributed to dealers throughout the world in the 1920s.

“It was found in the small village of Lowick in the far north east of England on our property when excavating to build an extension. We discovered it along with an old cycle gas lamp and some car radiators. We also found a World War 2 incendiary whilst excavating which was another story!”

Wearwell Sign Discovery Uncovered History Lowick Northumbria

The dig which lead to the uncovering of the Wearwell sign. The fallen building in the top left of the photo is believed to have been the old workshop.

Explosives aside, Paul picks up the story again, “I was walking home through the site and saw a bit of red peeking out of the mud so pulled it out and cleaned it up and the sign revealed itself. It now has pride of place in my motorcycle shed along. There must have been a dealership around Lowick sometime. There was an old wooden shed along here that is thought to have once been a garage workshop, so I can imagine it would have been there.”

 And what of finding out that Wearwell had re-established itself? “I found some history on Wearwell Cycles but it said it was not a company anymore. Then the other night, doing a bit more research, I found the Wearwell website! Some great names have been lost in the past years, it's great to see Wearwell being resurrected."

Wearwell Cycle Company |  1920s Enamel Sign Agency Wolverhampton Lowick Northumbria

The original Wearwell sign discovered after almost 100 years

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